How To Perform Running Punches And Flying Knees in UFC 4?

Running towards your opponents in UFC 4 will let you get some momentum and power up your attacks as well. If you want to know how to run and perform running punches and flying kicks in UFC 4, you’ve come to the right place.

How To Run In UFC 4

If you are an ardent fan of UFC, you might have noticed the lack of running attacks in high profile matches, luckily you do not have to use the same techniques used by the professionals and can run at full steam towards your opponents.

To run at your opponents, you will need to tap the left thumbstick towards your opponents twice and then hold it in the direction. This will make your character rush towards your opponent giving them lesser time to react.

Now that you know how to run, you should take that ability and use it with other attacks so that you will get a nice amount of momentum and will be able to attack your opponent with short notice.

You should check out attacks like flying knee or the running punches, these pair well with running in UFC 4 and can be quite devastating.

How To Perform A Running Punch In UFC 4

To perform a running punch, you will need to run towards your opponents, and as soon as you’re in striking distance press RT + A or B on Xbox and R2 + Square or Triangle on PlayStation to perform a running punch.

This will make your character run and hit your opponents with a running punch, the same technique can be applied for flying knees as well.

How To Perform A Flying Knee In UFC 4

UFC 4 allows players to use every move in your arsenal and running knees are one of the most surprising attacks that you can perform. To perform a running knee in UFC 4 simply run towards your opponent and press RT + A or B on Xbox and R2 + X or O on PlayStation.

Combining different attacks and varying them in mid-fight will give you a complex approach towards each fight and throw off your opponent. That’s all there is to know about how to run in UFC 4 and how to perform running punches and flying knees in the game.

Make sure to check out other amazing guides about UFC 4 right here on Gamer Tweak.
